Welcome to Hazelnut Nurseries

Welcome to Hazelnut Nurseries

Details   Suppliers of quality hazelnut trees for New Zealand Orchards

Contact us to discuss your requirements and pre order trees for winter planting.

As growers ourselves, we have a commitment to the long-term success of the industry and can discuss & advise based on experience.

- Mark & Caroline Eastmond
Our Orchard

Our Orchard

Details   The Hazelnut Nurseries orchard of around 1300 trees is situated on the hills near Waiau in North Canterbury. Initial planting began in 1993 and the trees are now well established and producing quality nuts for the New Zealand marketplace.

Visitors are welcome by appointment. The orchard provides the opportunity for new growers to really get a picture of how their own site can look and the chance to discuss their plans as well as pick up valuable tips on the management of a commercially producing grove.
The Nursery

The Nursery

Details   Hazelnut Nurseries specialize in producing hazelnut trees for orchard plantings and have supplied trees and support to many new growers throughout the country over the past 25 years.

Orchards are now widespread and well established throughout many areas of New Zealand and there is increasing demand for the high-quality nuts that we can produce.

Nutty Facts

Details   Once shelled, hazelnuts are best stored in the refrigerator or freezer in air tight bags.